Thoughts on types

Last week, I talked about an up-and-coming HTML5 game engine. One of the defining features of that engine was that it uses TypeScript, not regular JavaScript, for its coding. TypeScript has its problems (it’s made by Microsoft, for one), but it cuts to the heart of an argument that has raged for decades in programming circles: strong versus weak typing.

First off, here’s a quick refresher. In most programming languages, values have types. These can be simple (an integer, a string of text) or complex (a class with a deep inheritance hierarchy and 50 or so methods), but they’re part of the value’s identity. Variables can have type, too, but different languages handle that in different terms. Some require you to set a variable’s type when it is first defined, and they strictly enforce that type. Others are more lenient: if x holds the value 123, it’s an integer; if you set it to "foo", then it becomes a string. And some languages allow you to mix types in an expression, while others will throw errors the minute you even dare add a string to a number.

A position of strength

I’m of two minds on types. On the one hand, I do think that a “strong” type system, where everything knows what it is and conversions must be explicit, is good for the specific kind of programming where data corruption is an unforgivable sin. The Ada language, one of the most notorious for strict typing, was made that way for a reason: it was intended for use in situations where errors are literally life-threatening.

I also like the idea of a strongly-typed language because it can “write itself” in a sense. That’s one of the things Haskell supporters are always saying, and it’s very reminiscent of the way I solved a lot of test questions in physics class. For example, if you know your answer needs to be a force in newtons (kg m/s²), and you’re given a mass (kg), a velocity (m/s), and a time (s), then it’s pretty obvious what you need to do. The same principle can apply when you’ve got code that returns a type constructed from a number of seemingly unrelated ones: figure out the chain that takes you from A to B. You can’t really do that in, say, JavaScript, because everything can return anything.

And strong types are an extra form of documentation, something sorely lacking in just about every bit of code out there. The types give you an idea of what you’re dealing with. If they’re used right, they can even guide you into using an API properly. Of course, that puts more work on the library developer, which means it’s less likely to actually get done, but it’s a nice thought.

The weak shall inherit

In a “weak” type system, objects can still have types, but variables don’t. That’s the case in JavaScript, where var x (or let x, if you’re lucky enough to get to use ES6) is all you have to go on. Is it a number? A string? A function? The answer: none of the above. It’s a variable. Isn’t that enough?

I can certainly see where it would be. For pure, unadulterated hacking, give me weak typing. Coding goes so much faster when you don’t have to constantly ask yourself what something should be. Scripting languages tend to be weakly-typed, and that’s probably why. When you know what you’re working with, and you don’t have to worry as much about error recovery, maintenance, or things like that, types only get in the way.

Of course, once I do need to think about changing things, a weakly-typed language starts to become more of a hindrance. Look at any large project in JavaScript or Ruby. They’re all a tangled mess of code held together by layers of validation and test suites sometimes bigger than the project itself. It’s…ugly. Worse, it creates a kind of Stockholm Syndrome where the people developing that mess think it’s just fine.

I’m not saying that testing (or even TDD) is a bad thing, mind you. It’s not. But so much of that testing is unnecessary. Guys, we’ve got a tool that can automate a lot of those tests for you. It’s called a compiler.

So, yeah, I like the idea of TypeScript…in theory. As programmers look to use JavaScript in “bigger” settings, they can’t miss the fact that it’s woefully inadequate for them. It was never meant to be anything more than a simple scripting language, and it shows. Modernizing efforts like ES5 and ES6 help, but they don’t—can’t—get rid of JavaScript’s nature as a weakly-typed free-for-all. (How bad is it? Implicit conversions have become accepted idioms. Want to turn n into a number? The “right” way is +n! Making a string is as easy as n+"", and booleans are just !!n.)

That’s not to say strong typing is the way to go, either. Take that too far, and you risk the opposite problem: losing yourself in conversions. A good language, in my opinion, needs a way to enforce types, but it also needs a way to not enforce them. Sometimes, you really do want an “anything”. Java’s Object doesn’t quite work for that, nor does the C answer of void *. C++ is getting any soon, or so they say; that’ll be a step up. (Note: auto in C++ is type inference. That’s a different question, but I personally think it’s an absolute must for a strongly-typed language.) But those should be used only when there’s no other option.

There’s no right answer. This is one of those debates that will last forever, and all I can do is throw in my two cents. But I like to think I have an informed opinion, and that was it. When I’m hacking up something for myself, something that probably won’t be used again once I’m done, I don’t want to be bothered with types; they take too much time. Once I start coding “for real”, I need to start thinking about how that code is going to be used. Then, strong typing saves time, because it means the compiler takes care of what would otherwise be a mound of boilerplate test cases, leaving me more time to work on the core problem.

Maybe it doesn’t work for you, but I hope I’ve at least given you a reason to think about it.

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