Novel month 2018 – Day 26

Getting close to the end now. An hour and a half wrestling with Node cut into my writing time today, but I still managed to make a good day’s worth of progress through Chapter 8. There’s action aplenty now, making up for all those boring days a couple of weeks ago. All that’s left is the finale, really.

Today’s word count: 1,932
Total word count: 46,853
Daily average: 1,802
Projected total: 54,061

Novel month 2018 – Day 25

Once more into the breach. The battle has begun. I won’t say it’s anything too interesting yet, but give me time. What little bit I have left, anyway.

So, Chapter 8 is the next to last chapter in the story. As usual, I’m using it for the big action events, while the finale will be more wrapping things up. That’s just how I roll. And I’ve got a very good chance of pulling it off now.

Today’s word count: 2,041
Total word count: 44,921
Daily average: 1,796
Projected total: 53,905

Novel month 2018 – Day 24

Tension is at an all-time high for this story. Now, it’s time for all that buildup to pay off. Chapter 7 is done, and we’ve only got 2 left. The next one is the battle I’ve spent the past week and a half preparing for. Never written a Bronze Age fight scene before, so this’ll be fun.

Today’s word count: 1,821
Total word count: 42,880
Daily average: 1,786
Projected total: 53,600

Novel month 2018 – Day 23

As day follows night, so too does Black Friday follow Thanksgiving. We’re all as stuffed as the turkeys were yesterday, but that won’t stop me from writing. I’m now most of the way through Chapter 7, and the drama is giving way to action. One more week. I think I can do this. (Oh, and you guys hope I get one of the jobs out of this next batch I applied for today, okay?)

Today’s word count: 1,926
Total word count: 41,059
Daily average: 1,785
Projected total: 53,555

Novel month 2018 – Day 22

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Yes, I did write a bit today, because there’s a whole lot of nothing between waking up (around 10:30) and dinner with your family (as soon as I get done typing this). So I made it a little farther through Chapter 7, and I’m on the precipice of the story’s climax. It’s looking pretty good, and it’ll actually tie up a few loose ends I left hanging in the main Otherworld stories. I can’t wait to see how it turns out.

Today’s word count: 1,570
Total word count: 39,133
Daily average: 1,778
Projected total: 53,363

Novel month 2018 – Day 21

Not really feeling it much today. I was busy with code work. Yes, I still do the programming thing. I’ve been getting back into it lately, and now I have…ideas. Hopefully, I’ll be able to show them off soon.

Anyway, I did finish Chapter 6, and I even started Chapter 7. It’s all building up to some major events, and I feel confident I can finish the whole thing by month’s end. The 50K mark should be relatively easy. Getting to the end, though, we’ll see.

Today’s word count: 1,491
Total word count: 37,563
Daily average: 1,788
Projected total: 53,661

Novel month 2018 – Day 20

Would you believe I actually forgot I was releasing a story today? “The Candle’s Flame” came out, and you can pick it up over at my Patreon for a pledge of only a dollar a month.

As for the current writing project, Seasons Change, it’s still moving forward. Chapter 6 is almost done, though I couldn’t quite finish it today. Drama, tension, and soon to be action. It’s been a rough road, but I think I can put it all together.

Today’s word count: 2,319
Total word count: 36,072
Daily average: 1,803
Projected total: 54,108