Beneath the Surface

Released July 17, 2017, “Beneath the Surface” continues The Linear Cycle, my six-part dark fantasy series. This one’s almost the direct opposite of the previous entry, “Forged in the Fires”, focusing more on action, fighting, and the nature of the threat. Pretty much everything else you could want to know about it can be seen from the blurb:

Porter, wizard of the Valtian Empire, watched that empire’s capital burn. With most of the city’s educated arcanists, he retreated to the hills, to the fastness of Mistel. There lies a sanctuary, a safe place beyond the reach of the Touched, and he must protect it. For Mistel is also his home.

The plague is reaching to every corner of the empire, but here is one corner which must be preserved. Behind Mistel, atop a ridge overlooking the valley, the last college of Valtian wizards seeks answers. Porter must buy them the time they need to find something, anything, to remove the taint from the lines.

You can pick up “Beneath the Surface” in the Kindle Store for 99 cents, or donate to my Patreon for complete, DRM-free access to The Linear Cycle and all my other releases.