🖼🗣 : the emoji conlang, part 4

🖼🗣 is becoming quite the little language. In the first three parts, you saw the basic outline of how we can take the wide array of emoji characters available in Unicode and contort them into a hieroglyphic script for modern times. Now, we’ll take another step by looking into the many ways in which we can construct new words from the building blocks we’ve been given.


First of all, we need to make a distinction between the two different types of combining we can do. Derivation is mostly a grammatical process; it turns nouns into verbs, for example. Almost all languages have at least some derivational processes, and they tend to fall into a few major categories. 🖼🗣 is no exception, so we’ll look at these now. Later, we’ll turn to compounding, where we take individual words and combine them to create something new.

All of the script’s derivations are suffixes. We’ve already met a few, but here’s a complete list. (Note that tense markers, the plural and singular markers, and others like those are considered inflectional, so they’re not listed here.)

  • 〰 – This sign converts a word into an adjective. Usually, it’s a “quality” adjective: a 🧒 (child) is young, so 🧒〰 means “young”.

  • ▪ – This sign forms diminutives. These are “small” forms of words (typically nouns or adjectives) that indicate a lesser degree or amount: 🏙 “city” becomes 🏙▪ “town”, and ❄ “cold” turns into ❄▪ “chilly”.

  • ◼ – This sign changes an adjective or verb into a noun representing something to do with them. So we might turn 🍴 “to eat” into 🍴◼ “meal”, because a meal is something you eat.

  • ⬛ – The opposite of ▪, this sign creates superlative or augmentative forms. Linguistically, those are two different things, but they both pertain to an increase of a quality. With adjectives, ⬛ forms a superlative: 💪 “strong” becomes 💪⬛ “strongest”; this is really an inflection rather than a derivation. When used on a noun, however, the connotation is slightly different: 🌧 “rain” can become 🌧⬛ “torrent, flood”.

  • 🔻 – This marks a negative or inverse connotation. Usually, there’s already another word available, but using this suffix means you’re focusing on what something is not. An example might be 👍 “good” becoming 👍🔻 “not good”. It’s not quite the same as 👎 “bad”, but it’s close.

  • 🔺 – This is the counterpart to 🔻. It marks a positive connotation, which you may think has little use, but it can also function as an intensifier, a bit like “definitely” or (in colloquial speech) “literally” in English.

  • ➡ – As we have seen in previous parts, this forms verbs from other words. No examples needed here, because you should already get the gist.

These are the main derivations in 🖼🗣. Others do exist, but they have more specialized meanings, and they’re probably better analyzed as compounds, which we’ll get to right now.


Most vocabulary in the script is formed by compounding. This process, much more general (yet also a bit more idiosyncratic) than derivation, allows us to express essentially any concept through a combination of 🖼🗣 symbols. The rules are a little involved, so pay close attention.

General compounding rules
  1. Any lexical symbol can be used in a compound. Those with a purely grammatical function (such as the derivational affixes above) aren’t allowed, except in very specific circumstances. (These form what’s called a closed class of words, and they don’t really concern us here.)

  2. The minimum number of symbols is 2, but the only upper limit is imagination. Realistically, however, most compounds will have at most 4 symbols.

  3. One element of the compound is the head, while the rest are considered modifiers. (Linguists note that the head element isn’t necessarily the semantic head, but it usually is.)

  4. The head determines the part of speech of the compound. Thus, compounds with heads that are nouns will be nouns themselves.

  5. Verb compounds are head-initial, while all others are head-final.

Noun-noun compounds

Compounds of multiple nouns are probably the easiest to understand. Almost all of them tend to denote specificity. In other words, the modifiers define a specific type of the noun represented by the head. We’ve already seen 🐕🏠 “doghouse”, for instance, but here are a few more:

  • 🐦🛁, “birdbath”
  • 🚲🛣, “bike path”
  • ✋🔫, “handgun”
  • 📰📄, “newspaper”

Simple enough, right? These are mostly English-oriented, but the same principles are common across many languages.

Adjective-noun compounds

These are almost the same as the noun-noun compounds above, but the modifier is an adjective instead:

  • 💨🛣, “fast lane”
  • ♨🛁, “hot tub”
  • 🤓☎, “smartphone”

Again, there’s not much to it.

Adjective-headed compounds

When an adjective is the head, the modifiers shift the base meaning toward their own. It’s a little hard to explain in prose, so we’ll try a few examples instead:

  • 🌹🔴, “rose red”
  • 🏛👴, “ancient”
  • 👿🖤, “devilish”

Unlike nominal compounds, these are often less transparent, but that’s okay.

Verb-headed compounds

Verbal compounds are the hardest. For one thing, they’re “inverted”, with the head coming first. For another, pinning down their meaning isn’t easy. In general, more active verbs tend to form compounds whose meanings are related to the head, while “static” verbs function a lot more like adjectives.

  • 🏃💨, “sprint”
  • 🤝💬, “introduce”
  • 👐🆓, “donate”

Moving on

Part 5 of this series will be a chance to pause and take stock. Instead of grammar and word-building, I’ll provide a lot more vocabulary, roots and compounds alike. I hope to see you then!

Themis Dev Diary #2

It’s been a few weeks, and this project of mine is still moving along. Maybe not as fast as I would like, but I am making progress. Since the last post, I’ve spent much of my coding time working on what I consider the biggest feature of Themis: filtering. Here, I want to talk a little bit about what I mean, and why it’s so important.

My computer, my rules

Today, essentially every discussion platform is moderated. What that means depends on the place, but let’s boil it down to its essence. Moderation is censorship, plain and simple. Sometimes it’s necessary, sometimes it serves a purpose, but a moderated community is one that has decided, either by collective choice or external fiat, to disallow certain topics. More importantly, the administrators of the platform (or their anointed assistants) have the power to remove such content, often without debate or repercussion.

Removing the users that post the prohibited content is the next step. If online communities were physical, such suspensions would be the equivalent of banishment. But a much larger site like Facebook or Twitter, so integrated into the fabric of our society, should be held to a higher standard. When so much in our lives exists only in these walled-off places, banning is, in fact, more akin to a death sentence.

It is my strong belief that none of this is necessary. Except in the most extreme cases—automated spamming, hacking attempts, or illegal content that disrupts the infrastructure of the site—there really isn’t a reason to completely bar someone from a place simply because of what others might think. Themis is modeled on Usenet, and Usenet didn’t have bans. True, your account on a specific server could be locked, but you could always make a new one somewhere else, yet retain the ability to communicate with the same set of people.

This is where Facebook, et al., fail by design. Facebook users can only talk to each other. You can’t post on Twitter timelines unless you have a Twitter account. On the other hand, the “fediverse” meta-platform of Mastodon, Pleroma, etc., returns to us this ability. It’s not perfect, but it’s there, which is more than we can say for traditional social media.

Out of sight, out of mind

But, you may be thinking, isn’t that bad? If nobody wants to see, say, propaganda from white supremacists in their discussions, then how is discussion better served by allowing those who would post that content to do so?

The answer is simple: because some people might want to see that. And because what is socially acceptable today may become verboten tomorrow. Times change, but the public square is timeless. As the purpose of Themis is to create an online public space, a place where all discussion is welcome, it must adhere to the well-known standards of the square.

This is where filtering comes in. Rather than give the power of life and death over content to administrators and moderators, I seek to place it back where it belongs: in the hands of the users. Many sites already allow blocklists, muting, and other simple filters, but Themis aims to do more.

Again, I must bring up the analogy of Usenet. The NNTP protocol itself has no provisions for filtering. Servers can drop or remove messages if they like, but this happens behind the scenes. Instead, users shape their own individual experiences through robust filtering mechanisms. The killfile is the simplest: a poster goes in, and all his posts are hidden from view. Most newsreader software supports this most basic weapon in our arsenal.

Others go the extra mile. The newsreader slrn, for instance, offers a complex scoring system. Different qualities of a post (sender, subject text, and so on) can be assigned a value, with the post itself earning a score that is the sum of all filters that affect it. Then, the software can be configured to show only those posts that meet a given threshold. In this way, everything a user doesn’t want to see is invisible, unless it has enough “good” in it to rise above the rest. Because there are diamonds in the rough.


The score system works, but it’s pretty hard to get into. So, by default, Themis won’t have it. But that doesn’t mean you can’t use it. The platform I’m building will be extensible. It will allow alternative clients, not just the one I’m making. Thus, somebody out there (maybe even me, once I have time) can create something that rivals slrn and those other newsreaders with scoring features.

But the basics have to be there. At the moment, that means two things. First is an option to allow a user to “mute” groups and posters. This does about what you’d expect. On the main group list (the first step in reading on Themis), muted groups will not be shown. In the conversation panel, posts by muted users will not be shown, instead replaced by a marker that indicates their absence. In the future, you’ll have the option to show these despite the blocks.

Second is the stronger filtering system, which appears in Alpha 4 at its most rudimentary stage. Again, groups and users can be filtered (posts themselves will come a little later), and the criteria include names, servers, and profile information. As of right now, it’s mostly simple string filtering, plus a regex option for more advanced users. More will come in time, so stay tuned.

In closing

This is why I started the project in the first place, and I hope you understand my reasoning. I do believe that open discussion is necessary, and that we can’t have that without, well, openness. By placing the bulk of the power back in the hands of the users, granting them the ability to create their own “filter bubbles” instead of imposing our own upon them, I think it’s possible. I think we can get past the idea that moderators, with all their foibles and imperfections, are an absolute necessity for an online forum. The result doesn’t have to be the anarchy of 4chan or Voat. We can have serious, civil conversations without being told how to have them. Hopefully, Themis will prove that.

Release: The Second Crossing (Return to the Otherworld 1)

It’s a new year, and that means it’s time for a new season in the Otherworld. 2019 brings Return to the Otherworld, a new eight-part series following the further adventures of those who have visited this strange land, those who stayed behind a year ago, and the new faces seeking their first opportunity to glimpse the alien world for themselves.

Opening up this time is The Second Crossing:

A year ago, eleven college students stumbled into another world by virtue of an accident. An unforeseen, yet ultimately beneficial, accident. Now, they plan to return, this time with purpose.

New faces will join them. Old friends will welcome them. Enemies will show themselves. And the second crossing will test this expedition in ways they never anticipated. What new discoveries await? What new dangers lurk on the other side of the strange, inexplicable portal between worlds?

None can say, but the students and their companions know one thing for sure: they must return to the other world.

It’s going to be a fun ride, and you can see it all through the year over at my Patreon. All I ask is a simple pledge of $3/month, which gets you access to Return to the Otherworld and the previous series, as well as much more. How can you go wrong?

Look for Alignment Adjustment in six weeks. Until then, have fun and keep reading!