Novel Month 2017 – Day 20, late morning

It’s not that late, but I’m done with Chapter 17, so I think we’re at a good stopping point. I’m fully on the day shift now, so this counts as a full day’s writing, despite calling it at 10:30 in the morning. The story’s moving along, and I hope that fourth wall isn’t broken too much.

The basic idea of The Soulstone Sorcerer is that it’s a group of gamers who end up in an RPG-like world. I actually had their GM say that the story was getting too slow, so he was going to “move things along”. That’s seriously how I’ve felt these past two days. It’s not something I usually go in for, but I’ll get over it. If it means writing a chapter in a day again, I can deal. And picking up the pace helped with my earlier dilemma, as I now have an idea of where to go from here.

On another note, we’re 2/3 of the way through November, and almost 90,000 words into the novel. That’s a faster pace than I ever thought possible, and I have an outside shot of hitting 100K before Thanksgiving. Normally, that wouldn’t be such a big deal (okay, it’s always a big deal), but Thanksgiving is on the 23rd this year. There’s only one possible earlier date. Wow.

This session’s word count: 4,844
Total word count: 89,577
Daily average: 4,478
Last year’s cumulative total: 72,541
Projected word count: 134,365

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