Novel Month 2017 – Day 10, late evening

Sleeping schedule is starting to fall apart, in case you haven’t noticed. The book, however, is starting to come together. Chapter 9 is mostly done, introducing the fourth and final member of the party while getting more involved with the main plot.

For the next few days, as I try to reorient myself to something approaching normal, I’ll probably do late-night posts. (As in even later than this.) Anything between midnight and sunrise I’ll count as “half” days for the average, like last year, since there’s always the possibility that I’ll write more in the evening.

Oh, and we’re at the 1/3 mark for the month, so I’m adding a new stat: the pace. Basically, it’s a projection of the daily average through the rest of November. A testament to my ambitions, you might call it.

This session’s word count: 4,390
Total word count: 45,725
Daily average: 4,572
Last year’s cumulative total: 29,609
Projected word count: 137,175

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