Assembly: welcome to the machine

Well, we have a winner, and it’s the 6502. Sure, it’s simple and limited, and it’s actually the oldest (this year, it turned 40) of our four finalists. But I chose it for a few reasons. First, the availability of an online assembler and emulator at Second, because of its wide use in 8-bit computers, especially those I’ve used (you might call this nostalgia, but it’s a practical reason, too). And finally, its simplicity. Yes, it’s limited, but those limitations make it easier to understand the system as a whole.

Before we get started

A couple of things to point out before I get into the details of our learning system. I’m using the online assembler at the link above. You can use that if you like. If you’d rather use something approximating a real 6502, there are plenty of emulators out there. There’s a problem, though. The 6502 was widely used as a base for the home computers of the 70s and 80s, but each system changed things a little. And the derivative processors, such as the Commodore 64’s MOS 6510 or the Ricoh 2A03 used in the NES, each had their own quirks. So, this series will focus on an “ideal” 6502 wherever possible, only entering the real world when necessary.

A second thing to note is the use of hexadecimal (base-16) numbers. They’re extremely common in assembly programming; they might even be used more than decimal numbers. But writing them down poses a problem. The mathematically correct way is to use a subscript: 040016. That’s awfully hard to do, especially on a computer, so programmers developed alternatives. In modern times, we mostly use the prefix “0x”: 0x0400. In the 8-bit days, however, the convention was a prefixed dollar sign: $0400. Since that’s the tradition for 6502-based systems, that’s what we’ll use here.

The processor

Officially, we’re discussing the MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor. Informally, everybody just calls it the 6502. It’s an 8-bit microprocessor that was originally released in 1975, a full eight years before I was born, in what might as well be the Stone Age in terms of computers. Back then, it was cheap, easy to use, and developer-friendly, exactly what most other processors weren’t. And those qualities gave it its popularity among hobbyists and smaller manufacturers, at a time when most people couldn’t even imagine wanting a computer at home.

Electronically, the 6502 is a microprocessor. Basically, all that really means is that it isn’t meant to do much by itself, but it’s intended to drive other chips. It’s the core of the system, not the whole thing. In the Commodore 64, for example, the 6502 (actually 6510, but close enough) was accompanied by the VIC-II graphics chip, the famous SID chip for sound, and a pair of 6526 microcontrollers for input and output (I/O). Other home computers had their own families of companion chips, and it was almost expected that you’d add peripherals for increased functionality.

Internally, there’s not too much to tell. The 6502 is 8-bit, which means that it works with byte-sized machine words. It’s little-endian, so larger numbers are stored from the lowest byte up. (Example: the decimal number 1024, hexadecimal $0400, would be listed in a memory readout as 00 04.) Most 6502s run at somewhere around 1 MHz, but some were clocked faster, up to 2 MHz.

For an assembly programmer, the processor is very much bare-bones. It can access a 16-bit memory space, which means a total of 65,536 bytes, or 64K. (We’ll ignore the silly “binary” units here.) You’ve got a mere handful of registers, including:

  • The accumulator (A), which is your only real “working” register,
  • Two index registers (X and Y), used for indirect memory access,
  • A stack pointer (SP), which is nominally 16-bit, but the upper byte is hardwired to $01,
  • The processor status register (P), a set of “flag” bits that are used to determine certain conditions,
  • A program counter (PC) that keeps track of the address of the currently-executing assembly instruction.

That’s…not a lot. By contrast, the 8086 had 14 registers (4 general purpose, 2 index, 2 stack pointer, 4 segment registers, an instruction pointer, and the processor flags). Today’s x86-64 processors add quite a few more (e.g., 8 more general purpose, 2 more segment registers that are completely useless in 64-bit mode, 8 floating-point registers, and 8 SIMD registers). But, in 1975, it wasn’t easy to make a microprocessor that sold for $25. Or $100, for that matter, so that’s what you had to work with. The whole early history of personal computers, in fact, is an epic tale of cutting corners. (The ZX81, for example, had a “slow” and a “fast” mode. In fast mode, it disabled video output, because that was the only way the processor could run code at full speed!)


Because of the general lack of registers inside the processor, memory becomes of paramount importance on the 6502. Now, we don’t think of it much today, but there are two main kinds of memory: read-only (ROM) and writable (“random access”, hence RAM). How ROM and RAM were set up was a detail for the computer manufacturer or dedicated hobbyist; the processor itself didn’t really care. The Apple IIe, for example, had 64K of RAM and 16K of ROM; the Commodore 64 gave you the same amount of RAM, but had a total of 24K of ROM.

Astute readers—anyone who can add—will note that I’ve already said the 6502 had a 16-bit memory address space, which caps at 64K. That’s true. However much memory you really had (e.g., 80K total on the Apple IIe), assembly code could only access 64K of it at a time. Different systems had different ways of coping with this, mostly by using bank switching, where a part of address space could be switched to show a different “window” of the larger memory.

One quirk of the 6502’s memory handling needs to be mentioned, because it forms a very important part of assembly programming on the processor. Since the 6502 is an 8-bit processor, it’s natural to divide memory into pages, each page being 256 bytes. In hexadecimal terms, pages start at $xx00 (where xx can be anything) and run to $xxFF. The key thing to notice is that the higher byte stays the same for every address in the same page. Since the computer only works with bytes, the less we have to cross a page “boundary” (from $03FF to $0400, for instance), the better.

The processor itself even acknowledges this. The zero page, the memory located from $0000 to $00FF, can be used in 6502 assembly as one-byte addresses. And because the 6502 wasn’t that fast to begin with, and memory wasn’t that much slower, it’s almost like having an extra 256 registers! (Of course, much of this precious memory space is reserved on actual home computers, meaning that it’s unavailable for us. Even 6502asm uses two bytes of the zero page, $FE and $FF, for its own purposes.)

Video and everything else

Video display depended almost completely on the additional hardware installed alongside a 6502 processor. The online assembler I’ll be using has a very simplified video system: 32×32 pixels, each pixel taking up one byte, running from address $0200 to $05FF, with 16 possible colors. Typically, actual computers gave you much more. Most of them had a text mode (40×24, 80×25, or something like that) that may or may not have offered colors, along with a high-res mode that was either monochrome or very restricted in colors.

Almost any other function you can think of is also dependent on the system involved, rather than being a part of the 6502 itself. Our online version doesn’t have any extra bells and whistles, so I won’t be covering them in the near future. If interest is high enough, however, I might go back and delve deeper into one of the many emulators available.

Coming up

So that’s pretty much it for the basics of the 6502. A bare handful of registers, not even enough memory to hold the stylesheet for this post, and a bunch of peripherals that were wholly dependent upon the manufacturer of the specific computer you used. And it was still the workhorse of a generation. After four decades, it looks primitive to us, because it is. But every journey starts somewhere, and sometimes we need to go back to a simpler time because it was simpler.

That’s the case here. While I could certainly demonstrate assembly by making something in modern, 64-bit x86 code, it wouldn’t have the same impact. Modern assembly, on a larger scale, is often not much more than a waste of developer resources. But older systems didn’t have the luxury of optimizing compilers and high-level functional programming. For most people in the 80s, you used BASIC to learn how to program, then you switched to assembly when you wanted to make something useful. That was okay, because everybody else had the same limitations, and the system itself was so small that you could be productive with assembly.

In the next post of this series, we’ll actually start looking at the 6502 assembly language. We’ll even take a peek under that hood, going down to the ultimate in low-level, machine code. I hope you’ll enjoy reading about it as much as I am writing it.

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