Novel month 2020 – Day 10

Today’s word count: 2,768
Total word count: 17,713
Daily average: 1,771
Projected total: 53,139

Wow. Didn’t even realize I’d written that much today. Chapter 1 is down, and it ended with a big reveal, namely that I finally did break down and start making an alien conlang. Yep, the not-really-bad guys now have names that aren’t necessarily pronounceable by human mouths. Oh, and I got some good technobabble in, too!

Novel month 2020 – Day 8

Today’s word count: 2,196
Total word count: 12,824
Daily average: 1,603
Projected total: 48,090

More work on Chapter 1, and I’m moving the action around. Tori is fun because of her sheer exuberance when it comes to anything space-related, while Lucas is always down to earth, even when he’s on a different planet. So contrast, which is necessary for the story I’m building.

Novel month 2020 – Day 7

Today’s word count: 2,166
Total word count: 10,632
Daily average: 1,518
Projected total: 45,565

Into Chapter 1 now. For Orphans novels, that means back to rotating POVs, which really makes things a lot easier. And we start out with a lot of exploration. I love exploration. I swear, I could write an entire book like that. No real action necessary, just people exploring a new land, finding things no one has seen before. Maybe nobody else would read it, but who cares?

Novel month 2020 – Day 6

Today’s word count: 2,251
Total word count: 8,466
Daily average: 1,411
Projected total: 42,330

Much better. The prologue is finished, and Sora had her time to shine. I will admit that this is the first time in Orphans that I’ve used outside input to direct the story. My brother read Innocence Reborn a couple of months ago, and he said Sora was his favorite character, despite the fact that she only really featured in about five scenes. So, when she became one of the finalists for the On the Stellar Sea prologue POV, I really had to give her the role.

Novel month 2020 – Day 3

Today’s word count: 618
Total word count: 5,227
Daily average: 1,742
Projected total: 52,270

Stopping very early because I’ve been told the voting lines are long. Fingers crossed that we get some good news tonight.

And a note: I’ve had some serious phone issues this week. If you’re trying to reach me (or wondering why I haven’t reached you), bear that in mind.

(Update: Miscalculated the projected total. I guess I should apply for a polling job at Fox News.)