Novel month 2020 – Day 26

Today’s word count: 2,378
Total word count: 43,719
Daily average: 1,681
Projected total: 50,445

I’m done with Chapter 4 and somehow back on pace. There’s still a chance at salvaging something from this trainwreck of a year. At least I can be thankful for that today. Well, that and turkey.

For anyone reading, I hope you have plenty to eat and as many guests as possible. “The right of the people peaceably to assemble” was made for days like this.

Novel month 2020 – Day 24

Last 4 days’ word count: 4,339
Total word count: 39,191
Daily average: 1,632
Projected total: 48,988

Last four days. That’s not a typo. Sleeping 16, 18, and even 20 hours a day (that one was Saturday, by the way) is not conducive to writing. Not at all.

But 2020 has already taken so much from me. It’s taken my hopes, my dreams, my uncle, my freedom, my sanity, my faith in humanity, and my best chance at living a normal, happy life. It is not going to take the streak. I don’t have much else left.

Novel month 2020 – Day 20

Today’s word count: 2,635
Total word count: 34,852
Daily average: 1,742
Projected total: 52,278

Finished off Chapter 3, and now both plots are in full effect. Add in the whole mystery angle that’s been building throughout the series, and On the Stellar Sea is shaping up to be a ride and a half. Can’t wait to get back into it tomorrow, but I’m tired now.

Novel month 2020 – Day 15

Today’s word count: 1,860
Total word count: 25,329
Daily average: 1,688
Projected total: 50,658

Sometimes, you just have to end a chapter early. That’s what I did today. It wasn’t because I was tired of writing. No, the narrative left me with the perfect ending for Chapter 2, so I took it. Amazing how I’m in the 5th book of a series, and I’m still able to provide perspective on what happened in the prologue of Innocence Reborn!