Novel Month 2016 – Day 10, wee hours

Stage 5 of grieving is all about acceptance. Chapter 8 of Nocturne is all about plot. I’m in the middle of both right now.

Closing in on 30K now, and I feel like I’m starting to stumble. Maybe that’s because of…recent events. Maybe not. I will say that I’m not exactly “feeling” the story like I did for, say, Otherworld. Then again, I had the same feeling about this far through Before I Wake, so it might not mean anything. We’ll just have to keep on persevering in these rough times.

Same deal as yesterday: if I write more before midnight, I’ll change the daily average as needed. For now, it’s over 9.5 days. (Next time I design my own planet, I’ll make sure to give it a shorter day than ours. Maybe then I can keep to a better schedule.)

Previous word count: 26,773
This session’s word count: 2,836
Total word count: 29,609
Daily average: 3,117

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