Not a full chapter this time. Chapter 7 switches back to the Kellis POV for more sleuthing. It’s running parallel with the Nocturne timeline, which makes my head hurt, but there’s a lot of travel. That lets me fudge the numbers a bit. It helps. Anyway, our detective is on her way to hunt down the Nocturne (spoiler alert: she ain’t gonna find him yet), and that’ll take a while. In other words, long chapter, multiple days.
Tomorrow, of course, is The End of the World As We Know It, so I may not be writing quite as much as I’d like. My mom’s talking about some sort of Election Day party (our “game night” yesterday didn’t go too well), so…we’ll see.
Previous word count: 20,562
This session’s word count: 3,218
Total word count: 23,780
Daily average: 3,397