Novel month 2019 – Day 6

Today’s word count: 2,522
Total word count: 13,778
Daily average: 2,296
Projected total: 68,890

Finished Chapter 2 and started on Chapter 3. This one’s starting to get fun, even if there’s no real action yet. I just like this part of the story-building. Lots of character interaction, dropping hints, and getting things ready for a big payoff in the future. That’s my favorite kind of writing.

Novel month 2019 – Day 5

Today’s word count: 2,237
Total word count: 11,256
Daily average: 2,251
Projected total: 67,536

More work on Chapter 2, but this was mostly connecting threads from previous stories. Still, we’re getting somewhere. If all goes well tomorrow, I’ll probably be able to get into Chapter 3, shifting back to Earth and the most ambitious character interaction I’ve ever written.

Novel month 2019 – Day 1

Here we go again. Winds of Change is our title this time around. Strictly speaking, I did some worldbuilding and planning early, but that’s okay.

Today’s word count: 2,105
Projected word count: 63,150

Nothing too strenuous this year. In fact, that projected word count is a lie. This book won’t be that long. Not if I have anything to say about it, at least. But who knows where the story will take us?