As is ever the case, Ardari is more likely to construct terms of its own. This is certainly true in the realm of government, where a number of words are derived from the root verb tysan- “to rule”. Indeed, in the short list below we already see tysanönda “authority, right to rule”; tysanègh “government, center of rule”; and tysanyn “rule, regulation, law”. Note also that these are native terms, not borrowings, though Ardari does have a few of those, including zhudis “court” (probably from “judicial” or something similar) and polisa “police force”.
These two are examples of modernization at work. The area where Ardari is spoken hasn’t entirely transformed into a modern Western democracy. There are plenty of elements of monarchy, aristocracy, and bureaucracy still around. At present, it might be best described as a parliamentary monarchy, closer to the UK than the US. It’s certainly not decentralized, however: the word for a province, dalrit, being a transparent derivation from dal “nation” is proof enough of that.
Most other terms are native, and they often have other connotations besides those shown here. For instance, makhèla, here glossed as “army”, can also connote any gathering of forces. (Phrases can be used to disambiguate: dalin makhèla “national army”; idyaze makhèla “attack force”; illin makhèla “rebellion”.) The same goes for byara “navy”, with creations such as dable byara, literally “land navy” but actually referring to an amphibious assault.
Word List
- army: makhèla
- authority: tysanönda
- border: aroned
- capital: präzdoza (lit. “great city”)
- court: zhudis (borrowing, cf. “judicial”)
- crime: karha
- free: arin
- government: tysanègh (lit. “place of rule”)
- judge: tölera
- law: gla
- official: (tysanèghin) fèlokön (shortened nafèlokön “worker”)
- nation: dal
- navy: byara
- peace: sèsym
- police: polisa
- province/state: dalrit
- right (a right): èkhros
- rule: tysanyn
- tax: èzas
- to control: träm-
- to elect: soslin-
- to permit: ejoten-
- to prohibit: èkoten-
- to punish: laqas-
- to rule: tysan-
- to vote: jamull-
- war: jova