Novel Month 2016 – Day 11, early morning

I…didn’t sleep well yesterday. I want to write more before I go to bed, but I’m just too tired. So Chapter 8 will have to wait another day for its completion. Sorry for no big details this time around, but it’s getting hard to concentrate. Good night all.

Previous word count: 29,609
This session’s word count: 1,970
Total word count: 31,579
Daily average: 3,008

Novel Month 2016 – Day 10, wee hours

Stage 5 of grieving is all about acceptance. Chapter 8 of Nocturne is all about plot. I’m in the middle of both right now.

Closing in on 30K now, and I feel like I’m starting to stumble. Maybe that’s because of…recent events. Maybe not. I will say that I’m not exactly “feeling” the story like I did for, say, Otherworld. Then again, I had the same feeling about this far through Before I Wake, so it might not mean anything. We’ll just have to keep on persevering in these rough times.

Same deal as yesterday: if I write more before midnight, I’ll change the daily average as needed. For now, it’s over 9.5 days. (Next time I design my own planet, I’ll make sure to give it a shorter day than ours. Maybe then I can keep to a better schedule.)

Previous word count: 26,773
This session’s word count: 2,836
Total word count: 29,609
Daily average: 3,117

Novel Month 2016 – Day 9, too early

To quote Professor Farnsworth: “I don’t want to live on this planet anymore!” Luckily, I have others to escape to.

Nocturne Chapter 7 is, at long last, complete. It’s a comparative monster, weighing in at just over 6,200 words. That’s almost double the size of its next biggest neighbor. (Put it in Otherworld, on the other hand, and it’s one of the shortest.)

I don’t know if I’ll write more tonight. I do know that I will later in the day, after I wake back up. I’ll adjust the daily average as needed. (I’m counting it as 8.5 days right now.)

Previous word count: 25,079
This session’s word count: 1,694
Total word count: 26,773
Daily average: 3,150

Novel Month 2016 – Day 8, early evening

I really would prefer to be in the world of Nocturne rather than the real one right now, but you know how that is. I’m still in Chapter 7, and I might be able to finish it after this whole Election Day thing ends. But that’ll be after midnight, which would make it tomorrow.

Daily average takes a big hit today, another thing we can blame Washington for. On the plus side, I’m now halfway done with the 50K goal. Halfway. On the 8th. I can’t believe it, either.

Previous word count: 23,780
This session’s word count: 1,299
Total word count: 25,079
Daily average: 3,135

Novel Month 2016 – Day 7, evening

Not a full chapter this time. Chapter 7 switches back to the Kellis POV for more sleuthing. It’s running parallel with the Nocturne timeline, which makes my head hurt, but there’s a lot of travel. That lets me fudge the numbers a bit. It helps. Anyway, our detective is on her way to hunt down the Nocturne (spoiler alert: she ain’t gonna find him yet), and that’ll take a while. In other words, long chapter, multiple days.

Tomorrow, of course, is The End of the World As We Know It, so I may not be writing quite as much as I’d like. My mom’s talking about some sort of Election Day party (our “game night” yesterday didn’t go too well), so…we’ll see.

Previous word count: 20,562
This session’s word count: 3,218
Total word count: 23,780
Daily average: 3,397

Novel Month 2016 – Day 6, late afternoon

Wrapping up a little earlier today, as I said yesterday. Still, I finished Chapter 6, even though that chapter may be a bit shorter than I’d like. It’s a “bridge” thing. Its whole purpose is to end the “introduction” phase of the story and begin working towards the climax. That’s a ways away, but it never hurts to start moving in the right direction.

Previous word count: 18,103
This session’s word count: 2,459
Total word count: 20,562
Daily average: 3,427

Novel Month 2016 – Day 5, evening

And there’s another chapter done. Kellis isn’t quite as hard to write as I first imagined. No real action, and a lot of today’s work was recapping from a different POV, but it was still a very good day.

Tomorrow might be less so, however. I’ve got a family get-together tomorrow evening, so that may cut off my writing time just a bit at the end. And I’m not exactly sure where the Nocturne goes from here. I’ll be thinking about it tonight and tomorrow morning.

Funny how I wrote over 3400 words, and my daily average went down. Never thought that would happen.

Previous word count: 14,669
This session’s word count: 3,444
Total word count: 18,103
Daily average: 3,621

Novel Month 2016 – Day 4, evening

Another day, another chapter. Ho-hum. To be fair, Nocturne‘s chapters are shaping up to be shorter than my usual average of 4,500 words. (And forget about Otherworld‘s 7,000+ words per chapter!) Maybe that’s from the 1st-person POV, or from the nonstop action. Both of those are coming to an end soon, so we’ll see. Next up is Chapter 5, which will introduce the secondary point of view, Kellis. Her story will be told in the third person, unlike the title character. And she’ll bring in more worldbuilding and plot development, a sure way to make my writing grind to a halt. Fun times ahead, as always.

Previous word count: 10,945
This session’s word count: 3,724
Total word count: 14,669
Daily average: 3,667

Novel Month 2016 – Day 3, evening

Today was a very good day for writing. It could be even better, maybe, but I think I’m done. My word count since I started at about noon stands at 4,785, which is more than I’ve ever written in a single day before. Counting this post, editing, notes, etc., it’s well over 5,000.

Storywise, I’m done with Chapters 2 and 3. Our hero (antihero?) has been in a bit of a scuffle, he’s ratted out a narc, and he’s getting ready to sneak into what’s essentially a police station. That’s not where I imagined this story would go when I first came up with it. But that’s how it is sometimes. That’s both the best and worst thing about the “organic” storytelling style I have: you never know where it will take you.

Previous word count: 6,160
This session’s word count: 4,785 (new record!)
Total word count: 10,945
Daily average: 3,648

Novel Month 2016 – Day 2, evening

A fruitful day today. I seem to be recovering from whatever sinus malady has been afflicting me the last few days. The dizzy spells are becoming fewer and farther between, so that’s good. And Nocturne is coming along nicely. I got most of Chapter 2 done today. It’s still in the expository phase right now, but I’m closing in on the main plot hook.

Previous word count: 2,650
This session’s word count: 3,510
Total word count: 6,160
Daily average: 3,080