Novel month 2019 – Day 16

Today’s word count: 2,380
Total word count: 35,418
Daily average: 2,213
Projected total: 66,408

Well, this was an eventful day. More than halfway through Chapter 6, and I had to juggle everything else in the world. The Roku problems from yesterday resurfaced, and somehow they were caused by my brother playing the new Pokemon game?!? Water’s still not drinkable, I’m barely holding on, and my most optimistic character is having a crisis. So this month is going great!

Novel month 2019 – Day 15

Today’s word count: 1,225
Total word count: 33,038
Daily average: 2,202
Projected total: 66,076

Stopping early again, because I just can’t write when everything around me is breaking down. Even Amy the Eternal Optimist isn’t enough to salvage this day. I know where her chapter’s going, though, so I should be able to make up for this tomorrow. Assuming I have clean water, a working TV, and maybe a little bit of good luck every now and then.

Novel month 2019 – Day 14

Today’s word count: 1,666
Total word count: 31,813
Daily average: 2,272
Projected total: 68,170

Another short day, but I just don’t feel like writing today. So I finished Chapter 5, and the finish wasn’t even that great. But that’s one character I don’t have to write for a long time, which is good enough for me. We’ll see how I feel tomorrow. Chapter 6 is Amy, and as you know from my previous Otherworld adventures, if Amy can’t cheer me up, nothing will.

Novel month 2019 – Day 13

Today’s word count: 1,898
Total word count: 30,147
Daily average: 2,319
Projected total: 69.570

Still in Chapter 5, and I’m remembering why Jenn is my least favorite Otherworld character to write. I just don’t have much to say for her, and I don’t have time to throw a curveball. Well, I’ll figure something out. Besides, the big stuff happens after this chapter.

Novel month 2019 – Day 12

Today’s word count: 2,470
Total word count: 28,249
Daily average: 2,354
Projected total: 70,622

Another day, another chapter. Yesterday, I finished writing my favorite character in this series. Today, I started on my least favorite. Either this will be a struggle, or I’ll speed through it in an attempt to get past her. We’ll see tomorrow, I suppose, but I’m effectively at the halfway point of the story now.

Novel month 2019 – Day 10

Today’s word count: 2,350
Total word count: 23,435
Daily average: 2,343
Projected total: 70,305

Still in Chapter 4, and it’s almost as cold in the story as in the real world. Brr. I should have this one done by tomorrow, and that’ll be the halfway point of the 50K. The midpoint of the book will be a bit after that; I’m tentatively projecting this one as 57,000. But my plans never work out, so we’ll just have to wait and see where the story goes.