Novel month 2018 – Day 10

Finished Chapter 3, which ended with a nice little callback to the “main” timeline of the Otherworld series. (Put simply and without spoilers, a character named in “The Lessons Learned”, the novella I put out two months ago, appears here as a child.)

The hardest part of this one is getting into the mindset of…well, let’s just call them an alien civilization. An alien civilization roughly on par with the Egyptians just before the construction of the Pyramids, at that. You thought Assassin’s Creed Odyssey was a culture shock?

Today’s word count: 2,144
Total word count: 18,393
Daily average: 1,839
Projected total: 55,179

Novel month 2018 – Day 9

Finished up early today. That way, I’ve got more time for other things, like this coding interview I’m doing next Tuesday. (Don’t worry, I’m expecting the worst out of that.) Anyway, we’re most of the way through Chapter 3 now, and today’s writing was more setup. That’s how it is sometimes. I know this story’s shorter, so I do have to pick up the pace soon, but it’s coming. I can feel it.

Today’s word count: 1,999
Total word count: 16,249
Daily average: 1,805
Projected total: 54,163

Novel month 2018 – Day 8

Moving into Chapter 3 now, which is our first introduction to the #2 POV for this story. It also features a place well-known to readers of Chronicles of the Otherworld, specifically Written in Black and White and Situational Awareness. Of course, four millennia of change renders it essentially unrecognizable, but that’s how it goes when you’re writing something like this.

Today’s word count: 2,006
Total word count: 14,250
Daily average: 1,781
Projected total: 53,437

Novel month 2018 – Day 7

That’s more like it. Finished Chapter 2, finally. Tomorrow, I’ll introduce the secondary POV character, and then I can start looking for a way to tie these two threads together. Figuring out how they connect to the “mainline” story of Otherworld is, of course, a task for much, much later.

Today’s word count: 2,202
Total word count: 12,244
Daily average: 1,749
Projected total: 52,474

Novel month 2018 – Day 4

Not feeling all that great today, but that’s not going to stop me from writing at least something. And I did get a fairly decent day out of it, although it took me longer than expected. So I’m into Chapter 2, and this part’s all about connecting the dots. One nice thing about writing this particular story is that I can throw in references to Otherworld whenever I feel like it. (Okay, I’ve done that in The Beast Within, too, but that’s different.)

Anyway, I’m done for now. I hope I’ll feel better tomorrow. And that I’ll get that job I applied for, but one miracle at a time, right?

Today’s word count: 1,993
Total word count: 8,078
Daily average: 2,019
Projected total: 60,585

Novel month 2018 – Day 3

Three days, one chapter. A far cry from the frantic pace of last year, I know. But that’s okay. I’m happy, I’m healthy, and I’m still doing a good job.

Seasons Change takes place 4400 years before Out of the Past, just so you know. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some similarities. In my head, I’m already drawing analogies between these characters and the familiar ones from the Otherworld series. Once I release this story, you’ll probably pick those up in about 5 minutes, tops.

Today’s word count: 2,173
Total word count: 6,085
Daily average: 2,028
Projected total: 60,850

Novel month 2018 – Day 2

So weird to be pacing myself while writing a novel, but here we are. I’m taking this slow, or at least slower than usual. So I’m still in Chapter 1, but a bit further through it. And now I’ve got time to do other things. Like, say, playing RimWorld.

Today’s word count: 1,914
Total word count: 3,852
Daily average: 1,926
Projected total: 57,780

Novel month 2018 – Day 1

It’s going to be weird not doing the crazy late-night scheduling this year. And it’s going to be weird juggling this and a potential job, but I’ll make it through.

So, let’s get this party started. Seasons Change. Chapter 1. So far, there’s not much to say. It’s an introduction to the main character, who just happens to be one of the few named in the main Otherworld series, despite over 4000 years of time difference. We’ll see where it goes.

Today’s word count: 1,937
Projected word count: 58,110

Remember, I’m taking it a little easier this year. The Soulstone Sorcerer brought me perilously close to a breakdown, and I’d rather not repeat that. So expect a lot more days with 2000 words rather than 5000 this time around. Maybe I’ll splurge a little on the weekends, but who knows? I sure don’t.