Release: Nocturne

This is a moment I’ve been waiting for since last November. Yes, it’s a new release, and it’s quite possibly the best thing I’ve ever written. I certainly think so. It’s Nocturne, my latest full-length novel, and my first “pure” fantasy release.

He is the Nocturne, and this is his story.

In a world where children are marked for life by the hour of their birth, one man breaks the rules. In Velin, those born in the dark, moonless night are perceived as treacherous thieves, while their brethren of the day are lifted up, glorified. But Shade entered the world in a brief window of darkness within the day, a phenomenon seen once a generation.

He is neither, yet he is both. Now, he must use the combination of day and night to solve the riddle of his past, but also to save the future of a people. Hunted by church and crown alike, the road he walks is long and lonely, yet he knows there is no one else. Only Shade. Only the Nocturne.

One of those searching for him is Kellis Matene, an inspector in training. Her superiors gave her the case of a man born in the night, calling on his fellows, urging action. A rebel, a traitor. As a king dies, a pretender emerges, and Kellis must solve a mystery. All she has to go on is a single name: the Nocturne.

It’s been out for a while now on Patreon, but this marks the official public release. Now, anyone can buy it over at Amazon, either in digital or paperback versions.

I won’t deny that I’m immensely proud of this book. For something that didn’t take all that long to write, it came out far better than I hoped. There were times, as I was reading it to check for errors, that I wondered just what possessed me to put these words together. Maybe it’s not the best novel in the world, but I’ll gladly hold Nocturne up as the best in my world. I hope you feel the same way.

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