Novel Month 2016 – Day 1, early evening

And so it begins.

Nocturne is a bit different from last year’s Otherworld #2 (now called “The City and the Hill”). It’s going to be a mixed 1st and 3rd person, with the 1st person stuff told as kind of a flashback sequence. It’s also shaping up to be a bit dark, probably darker than even I like. We’ll have to see where the story takes us, as I don’t have a lot of plans for it yet—another way this year is different.

Today, I wrote up the Prologue, which is a 3rd-person intro to the story proper, and the very short Chapter 1, told from the title character’s POV as if it was in his voice. With any luck, the meat of the story starts tomorrow.

This session’s word count: 2,650
Total word count: 2,650